经过 59 天的巡逻,美国海岸警卫队在东太平洋的一艘“快速”船上查获了价值 1.43 亿美元的可卡因。 US Coast Guard seized $143m worth of cocaine from a "go-fast" vessel in the eastern Pacific Ocean after a 59-day patrol.
美国海岸警卫队经过 59 天的禁毒巡逻,在东太平洋查获价值超过 1.43 亿美元的可卡因。 The US Coast Guard seized over $143m worth of cocaine in the eastern Pacific Ocean after a 59-day counter-narcotics patrol. 美国海岸警卫队快艇警报号的船员发现了一艘疑似“快速行驶”的船只,该船没有响应停止的要求。 The crew of the US Coast Guard Cutter Alert spotted a suspected "go-fast" vessel, which did not respond to calls to stop. 快艇的直升机使“快速”船的发动机失效,疑似走私者将大包可卡因扔入海中。 The cutter's helicopter disabled the engines of the "go-fast" vessel, and bales of cocaine were jettisoned into the sea by the suspected smugglers. 第二支小船队随后从水中查获了总计 11,000 磅的可卡因。 A second small boat team then seized the cocaine from the water, totalling 11,000 pounds.