美国海岸警卫队在东太平洋缴获价值91万美元的可卡因,在佛罗里达卸货。 U.S. Coast Guard seizes $91M worth of cocaine in Eastern Pacific Ocean, offloaded in Florida.
美国海岸警卫队在东太平洋缉获了约8 000磅可卡因,价值超过9 100万美元。 The U.S. Coast Guard seized about 8,000 pounds of cocaine, valued at over $91 million, in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. 作为打击从南美洲和中美洲向美国贩运毒品的持续努力的一部分,这些毒品在佛罗里达的Everglades港卸下。 The drugs were offloaded at Port Everglades in Florida as part of ongoing efforts to combat drug trafficking from South and Central America into the U.S. 这次重大破获是打击该区域毒品走私的更大行动的一部分。 This significant bust is part of a larger operation to disrupt drug smuggling in the region.