墨西哥海军从阿卡普尔科附近太平洋沿岸的一艘船上缉获了3.6吨可卡因。 The Mexican Navy seized 3.6 tons of cocaine from a boat off the Pacific coast near Acapulco.
墨西哥海军从离阿卡普尔科约153英里的太平洋海岸的一艘低调船只上缴获了3.6吨可卡因。 The Mexican Navy seized 3.6 tons of cocaine from a low-profile boat off the Pacific coast, about 153 miles from Acapulco. 该船携带102包可卡因,有9名船员,其中6人为外国国民。 The vessel was carrying 102 packages of cocaine and had nine crew members, six of whom were foreign nationals. 这项行动突出了当前打击贩毒的努力,因为来自南美洲的可卡因往往通过太平洋或加勒比路线运往美国。 The operation highlights ongoing efforts to combat drug trafficking, as cocaine from South America is often shipped to the U.S. via the Pacific or Caribbean routes.