中国的电子商务,特别是Pinduoduo,由于价格削减竞争,加剧了通货紧缩。 China's e-commerce, particularly Pinduoduo, exacerbates deflation due to price-cutting competition.
中国的电子商务,特别是通过像平杜杜这样的平台进行的电子商务,正在恶化该国的通货紧缩。 E-commerce in China, especially through platforms like Pinduoduo, is worsening the country's deflation. 像林云云那样的卖主 被迫不断降低价格来吸引顾客 冒着利润风险 Sellers, like Lin Yunyun, are pressured to continuously lower prices to attract customers, risking their profitability. 这种降价造成了一个循环,随着低价格成为生存的必要条件,通货紧缩会加剧。 This price-cutting creates a cycle that intensifies deflation, as lower prices become necessary for survival. 由于60%的消费者在网上购物,Pinduodou的战略对中国经济和零售业产生了重大影响。 With 60% of consumers shopping online, Pinduoduo's strategy significantly impacts China's economy and retail landscape.