越南企业家不顾家庭期望, 振兴咖啡产业, Vietnamese entrepreneurs revitalize coffee industry, defying family expectations, as Vietnam's $400M growing sector favors local robusta beans.
越南青年企业家正在通过开设咖啡馆来改变咖啡业, Young Vietnamese entrepreneurs are reshaping the coffee industry by opening cafes, defying family expectations to pursue stable careers in fields like medicine and law. 咖啡店部门价值4亿美元,每年增长8%,已成为创造性和自我表达的平台。 The coffee shop sector, valued at $400 million and growing at 8% annually, has become a platform for creativity and self-expression. 越南是世界第二大咖啡出口国, 支持坚挺的豆子, 让星巴克等全球品牌难以竞争。 Vietnam, the world's second-largest coffee exporter, favors robusta beans, making it challenging for global brands like Starbucks to compete.