2024年第一季度越南新设立企业22,128家,同比增长12.4%,采矿、运输和其他服务业增长显着。 22,128 new businesses established in Vietnam in Q1 2024, with a 12.4% YoY increase, significant growth in mining, transportation, and other services.
2024年前两个月,越南新设立企业22,128家,同比增长12.4%。 22,128 new businesses were established in Vietnam in the first two months of 2024, a 12.4% increase year-on-year. 这些企业的注册资本总额达到219万亿越南盾(88.8亿美元),同比增长32.8%。 The combined registered capital of these businesses reached 219 trillion Vietnamese dong (8.88 billion USD), rising 32.8% year-on-year. 采矿业新设立企业数量大幅增加(增长28.8%),其次是运输和仓储业(增长26.5%)和其他服务业(增长21.5%)。 The number of newly founded businesses increased sharply in the mining industry (up 28.8%), followed by transportation and warehousing (26.5%), and other services (21.5%).