印度的家庭外咖啡市场到2028年将增长到26-32亿美元,由溢价部分带动。 India's out-of-home coffee market set to grow to $2.6-$3.2 billion by 2028, led by premium segment.
印度的家庭外咖啡市场预计到2028年将增长到26-32亿美元,CAGR为15-20%。 India's out-of-home coffee market is forecast to grow to $2.6-$3.2 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 15-20%. 溢价部分目前占市场份额的46%,预计将增长到55-60%,而大众市场将缩小到30-35%。 The premium segment, currently 46% of the market, is expected to grow to 55-60%, while the mass market will shrink to 30-35%. 中价范围(目前为4%)预计将扩大到8-10%,CAGR为35-40%。 The mid-price range, currently 4%, is projected to expand to 8-10% with a CAGR of 35-40%. 咖啡日益被视为一种生活方式选择,但供应链问题和地点竞争等挑战依然存在。 Coffee is increasingly seen as a lifestyle choice, but challenges such as supply chain issues and location competition remain.