圣地亚哥的O Lot安全睡眠场所的居民对老鼠入侵和水污染表示担忧, Residents at San Diego's O Lot Safe Sleeping Site raise concerns over rat infestations and water contamination, leading to water dispenser shutdown and enhanced pest control.
San Diego's O Lot安全入睡地的居民对老鼠感染表示担忧, Residents at San Diego's O Lot Safe Sleeping Site have expressed worries about rat infestations, alleging contamination of their water supply. 城市官员驳斥了这些说法,没有提出饮用水中老鼠的证据。 City officials refute these claims, citing no evidence of rodents in the drinking water. 针对这些关切,已停止使用喷水器,新的喷水器正在路上。 In response to the concerns, water dispenser use was halted, and new dispensers are on the way. 该市正在加强虫害控制和健康检查,而现场操作员 " 梦想变革 " 则认为储水箱是安全的。 The city is enhancing pest control and health inspections, while the site operator, Dreams for Change, maintains that the water tank is secure.