Santa Maria警告一个骗局 冒牌货声称城市的水被污染 用来出售治疗设备 Santa Maria warns of a scam where imposters claim the city's water is contaminated to sell treatment units.
加利福尼亚州圣玛丽亚市警告居民注意一个骗局,个人冒充市政府官员,声称该市的水受到污染,并推销水处理装置,虚假承诺报销。 Santa Maria, California, warns residents about a scam where individuals pose as city officials, claiming the city's water is contaminated and pushing water treatment units, falsely promising reimbursement. 城市强调水是安全的,定期检测,员工总是出示身份证。 The city stresses its water is safe, tested regularly, and employees always show ID. 敦促居民向警方报告可疑活动,并通过城市官方来源核实信息。 Residents are urged to report suspicious activity to the police and verify info through official city sources.