调查显示,由于蒂华纳河污水危机,67%的南湾居民存在健康问题。 Survey reveals health issues for 67% of South Bay residents due to Tijuana River sewage crisis.
在疾病防治中心调查的南湾居民中,近70%的人报告了与蒂华纳河污水危机有关的健康问题,80%的人说他们的生活质量恶化了。 Nearly 70% of South Bay residents surveyed by the CDC report health issues linked to the Tijuana River sewage crisis, with over 80% saying their quality of life has worsened. 称为CASPER的调查发现,67%的人认为他们的健康状况有所下降,18%的人由于危机而寻求医疗护理。 The survey, known as CASPER, found that 67% felt their health had declined, and 18% sought medical care due to the crisis. 常见的健康投诉包括头痛、恶心、咳嗽和喉咙不适。 Common health complaints included headaches, nausea, coughs, and irritated throats. 70%以上的人还报告说,他们家中有污水臭味,问题在夜间加剧。 Over 70% also reported smelling sewage inside their homes, with the issue intensifying at night.