艾伯塔省小镇在公民投票后禁止悬挂骄傲旗帜和彩虹人行横道。 Alberta town bans Pride flags, rainbow crosswalks after plebiscite.
艾伯塔省韦斯特洛克的居民投票赞成一项禁止公共场所悬挂彩虹旗和人行横道的附例,以保持政治中立。 Westlock, Alberta, residents voted in favor of a bylaw banning rainbow flags and crosswalks from public spaces to maintain political neutrality. 在 700 多名居民签署的请愿书的推动下,一场公民投票导致该镇去年夏天为支持 2SLGBTQ+ 社区而绘制的彩虹人行横道被拆除。 A plebiscite, spurred by a petition signed by over 700 residents, led to the town's rainbow crosswalk, painted last summer in support of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, being removed. 该附例还将人行横道图案限制为两条平行白线之间的传统白色条纹图案,只允许在公共财产上悬挂联邦、省和市政府的旗帜。 The bylaw will also restrict crosswalk patterning to a traditional white striped pattern between two parallel white lines, allowing only federal, provincial, and municipal government flags on public property.