渥太华市官员批准举行私人活动,在以色列国庆日升起以色列国旗。 Ottawa city officials approved a private event to raise Israel's flag for its national day.
渥太华市官员宣布,原定于周二举行一场私人活动,在以色列国庆日升起以色列国旗,此前该活动因公共安全问题被取消。 Ottawa city officials have announced that a private event will take place on Tuesday to raise Israel's flag for its national day, after the initial cancellation due to public safety concerns. 此前,包括市长马克·萨特克利夫在内的当地和联邦政界人士要求以安全的方式举行仪式,因此做出了这一决定。 This decision came after local and federal politicians, including Mayor Mark Sutcliffe, demanded a safe way for the ceremony to proceed. 渥太华犹太联合会已获得举办此次活动的许可,但地点和时间仍未公开。 The Jewish Federation of Ottawa has been granted permission to hold the event, but the location and time remain undisclosed.