艾伯塔省Barrhead的居民投票禁止在市政财产上悬挂自豪旗和彩虹横行道。 Residents in Barrhead, Alberta, voted to ban Pride flags and rainbow crosswalks on municipal property.
艾伯塔省巴雷德的居民通过了一项禁止市政财产上使用骄傲旗和彩虹十字路口的法令, 投票结果为653票赞成, 492票反对. Residents in Barrhead, Alberta, approved a bylaw banning Pride flags and rainbow crosswalks on municipal property, with 653 votes in favor and 492 against. 遵循威斯特洛克类似细则的新规则将非标准国旗的展示仅限于国家、省和市级国旗。 The new rule, which follows a similar bylaw in Westlock, restricts the display of non-standard flags to only national, provincial, and municipal ones. 违反法规的现有人行道和旗帜将被清除。 Existing crosswalks and flags that violate the bylaw will be removed. 这一决定是在700多名居民签署请愿书之后作出的。 The decision came after a petition signed by over 700 residents.