Glen Sannox号轮渡在海上试验期间停靠,原因是火灾探测器启动,导致主推进系统关闭。 MV Glen Sannox ferry blackout during sea trials due to fire detector activation, causing main propulsion system shutdown.
Glen Sannox号轮渡在10月2日的海上试验中遭遇停电,原因是意外火灾探测器启动,导致其主要推进系统关闭。 The MV Glen Sannox ferry experienced a blackout during sea trials on October 2 due to an accidental fire detector activation, causing a shutdown of its main propulsion system. 该船只的自动识别系统在大约一个小时内无法探测到。 The vessel's automatic identification system was undetectable for about an hour. 它返回Inchgreen旱地码头进行评估。 It returned to Inchgreen Dry Dock for assessments. 该渡轮原定于2018年交付,但鉴于目前技术问题,该渡轮向苏格兰政府的移交仍不确定。 Originally scheduled for delivery in 2018, the ferry's handover to the Scottish Government remains uncertain amid ongoing technical issues.