爱尔兰的失业率在9月份下降到4.3%,有124 300人失业。 Ireland's unemployment rate fell to 4.3% in September, with 124,300 individuals unemployed.
爱尔兰的失业率从8月的4.4%下降到9月的4.3%,其中124 300人失业。 Ireland's unemployment rate fell to 4.3% in September, down from 4.4% in August, with 124,300 individuals unemployed. 虽然教育和零售等部门的就业需求仍然强劲,但青年失业率上升至10.8%。 While job demand remains strong in sectors like education and retail, youth unemployment rose to 10.8%. 经济学家杰克·肯尼迪(Jack Kennedy)指出,最近的生活费衡量措施可能提高消费者的情绪,政府对基础设施的投资可增强爱尔兰对外国投资的吸引力。 Economist Jack Kennedy suggests that recent cost-of-living measures may boost consumer sentiment, and government investments in infrastructure could enhance Ireland's appeal for foreign investment.