爱尔兰的失业率在1月达到4 % 的24年最低点, 跌至116,200人。 Ireland's unemployment rate hit a 24-year low of 4% in January, dropping to 116,200.
根据中央统计局的资料,爱尔兰的失业率在1月下降到4%,是2001年5月以来最低的。 Ireland's unemployment rate dropped to 4% in January, the lowest since May 2001, according to the Central Statistics Office. 失业人数从12月的128,600人下降到116,200人。 The number of unemployed fell to 116,200, down from 128,600 in December. 青年失业率也下降至11.9%。 Youth unemployment also decreased to 11.9%. 然而,经济学家告诫说,国际贸易政策、高能源价格和欧洲增长缓慢等因素可能会影响今后创造就业机会。 However, economists caution that factors like international trade policies, high energy prices, and slow European growth could affect future job creation.