飓风海伦娜在美国十大风暴中造成严重水灾和死亡。 Hurricane Helene caused severe flooding and fatalities among top-ten US storms.
飓风海伦在东南部的几个州造成了严重的洪水和死亡人数,将其列为美国历史上最严重的十大风暴之一。 Hurricane Helene has caused severe flooding and fatalities across several Southeastern states, ranking it among the top ten worst storms in U.S. history. 文章还指出,1906年旧金山地震是加利福尼亚最致命的自然灾害,夺去了3 000条生命。 The article also notes that the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake is California's deadliest natural disaster, claiming 3,000 lives. 根据政府资料和媒体报道, 24/7 华尔街编制了每个州最严重的自然灾害列表, A list of the worst natural disasters for each state, compiled by 24/7 Wall St., utilized data from government sources and media reports, covering various disaster types.