1931年的华中洪水仍然是有记录以来最严重的自然灾害。 1931 Central China floods remain the worst recorded natural disaster.
有着圣经和神话故事的洪水仍然是世界上最严重的自然灾害,每年造成数万人死亡和最大的经济损失。 Floods, with legendary biblical and mythical stories, remain the worst natural disaster worldwide, causing tens of thousands annual deaths and the most financial loss. 1931 年华中洪水创下了近代历史上最严重的自然灾害记录,估计造成 1-400 万人死亡。 The 1931 Central China flooding holds the record for the worst natural disaster in recent history, killing an estimated 1-4 million people. 跨文化的洪水神话很可能是由于它们频繁地破坏地球上的生命而产生的。 Flood myths across cultures are likely due to their frequent disruption of life on Earth.