大湖区观测系统提议在2030年前完成大湖区底部测绘工作,费用为2亿美元。 Great Lakes Observing System proposes $200 million bill for complete mapping of Great Lakes' bottom by 2030.
由Jennifer Boehme领导的大湖观测系统正在倡导一个大湖底的全面测绘项目,目前只绘制了15%的地图。 The Great Lakes Observing System, led by Jennifer Boehme, is advocating for a comprehensive mapping project of the Great Lakes' bottom, currently only 15% mapped. 这一举措旨在查明水下沉船,加强航行安全,为渔业管理提供信息,支持气候变化中的侵蚀和洪水模型。 This initiative aims to identify underwater shipwrecks, enhance navigation safety, inform fisheries management, and support erosion and flooding models amid climate change. 一项2亿美元的拟议法案旨在到2030年完成这一规划,但国会尚未通过。 A proposed $200 million bill aims to complete this mapping by 2030, but has not yet passed in Congress.