大湖地表温度超过历史平均水平,这是气候变化造成的,影响到3 000万人,造成冰盖下降。 Great Lakes' surface temperatures exceed historical averages, driven by climate change, affecting 30 million people and causing ice cover decline.
密歇根湖和其他大湖地区正在经历迅速变暖,地表温度自1995年以来超过了历史平均水平。 Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes are experiencing rapid warming, with surface temperatures exceeding historical averages since 1995. 受气候变化驱动的这一趋势影响到3 000多万人,他们依赖这些水源。 This trend, driven by climate change, affects over 30 million people reliant on these water sources. 冰覆盖率每十年下降约5%,从而对商业航运、鱼类移徙和芝加哥湖滨侵蚀加剧的潜在影响。 Ice cover has declined approximately 5% per decade, leading to potential impacts on commercial shipping, fish migration, and increased erosion along the Chicago lakefront. 预计该区域今后会变暖和湿润。 The region is expected to become warmer and wetter in the future.