美国航天局开发了水下机器人冰诺德,以测量南极冰融化及其对海平面上升的影响。 NASA develops underwater robots, IceNode, to measure Antarctic ice melting and its impact on sea level rise.
美国航天局工程师正在创建冰诺德,这是一组水下机器人,旨在测量南极冰盖的融化及其对海平面上升的影响。 NASA engineers are creating IceNode, a fleet of underwater robots designed to measure the melting of Antarctic ice sheets and its effects on sea level rise. 这些在北极测试的圆柱体机器人 将在冰层下自主运行 收集温暖的海水循环数据 及其对冰融化的影响 长达一年 These cylindrical robots, tested in the Arctic, will operate autonomously beneath the ice, gathering data on warm ocean water circulation and its impact on ice melting for up to a year. 该项目旨在通过改进数据收集和建模,加强对未来海平面变化的预测。 The project aims to enhance predictions of future sea level changes through improved data collection and modeling.