部分19世纪的小船,长达270英尺,冲上岸在埃里奥,埃里湖. Part of a 19th-century schooner, up to 270 feet long, washed ashore in Erieau, Lake Erie.
一艘 19 世纪纵帆船的一段 10 米长,可能长达 270 英尺,在伊利湖的伊利奥被冲上岸。 A 10-meter section of a 19th-century schooner, potentially up to 270 feet long, has washed ashore in Erieau, Lake Erie. 当地居民Jeff Vidler发现残骸引发历史学家的兴趣。 Discovered by local resident Jeff Vidler, the wreckage has sparked interest among historians. 密歇根大学教授John O'Shea分析了照片,指出船体部分可能随海流漂移。 University of Michigan professor John O'Shea analyzed photos and noted the hull section could drift with currents. Vidler计划用声纳寻找更多部件, 而O'Shea则建议为未来研究测绘和测量残骸。 Vidler plans to use sonar to find more parts, while O'Shea suggests mapping and measuring the wreckage for future research.