五大湖冰盖减少影响当地商业、生态系统和航运季节。 Great Lakes' ice cover decline impacts local businesses, ecosystems, and shipping seasons.
五大湖的冰盖低于平均水平对当地企业产生了负面影响。 A below-average ice cover on the Great Lakes is negatively affecting local businesses. 气候中心的一份新报告指出,过去几十年里,所有五个湖泊的冰层覆盖率均显着减少,其中苏必利尔湖的冰层覆盖率自 1973 年以来减少了约 30%。 A new report by Climate Central notes that all five lakes have experienced a significant decrease in ice cover over the past decades, with Lake Superior's coverage diminishing by about 30% since 1973. 冰覆盖面积的减少和冰冻天数的减少正在影响户外休闲、教育活动和生态系统健康。 The reduced ice coverage and fewer frozen days are impacting outdoor recreation, educational activities, and ecosystem health. 由于这一趋势,运输季节也可能会延长。 Shipping seasons may also be extended as a result of this trend.