意大利和爱尔兰的通货膨胀率在9月下跌,导致欧洲央行可能降低利率和政府财政资助措施。 Italian and Irish inflation rates fell in September, leading to potential ECB interest rate cuts and government financial support measures.
意大利的通胀率从8月的1.2%下降到9月的0.8%,而爱尔兰的通胀率则从8月的1.2%下降到9月的0.8%,而爱尔兰的通胀率达到三年最低的0.2%,大大低于欧元区2.2%的平均水平。 Italian inflation fell to 0.8% in September, down from 1.2% in August, while Irish inflation reached a three-year low of 0.2%, significantly below the eurozone average of 2.2%. 能源价格下降的主要原因是能源价格下降。 The declines are largely attributed to decreasing energy prices. 这一趋势可能会促使欧洲中央银行考虑降低利率,预计到10月17日将实现80%的减息机会。 This trend may prompt the European Central Bank to consider interest rate cuts, with an 80% chance of a reduction expected on October 17. 两国政府还计划为居民提供财政支助措施。 Both countries' governments are also planning financial support measures for residents.