来自105个国家的400名代表同意在北京全球反腐败网络会议上加强国际合作,打击腐败。 400 representatives from 105 countries agree to enhance international cooperation against corruption at the Beijing GlobE Network meeting.
GlobE网络是一个反腐败执法当局联盟,在北京召开会议,来自105个国家的近400名代表同意加强国际合作打击腐败。 The GlobE Network, a coalition of anti-corruption law enforcement authorities, convened in Beijing, where nearly 400 representatives from 105 countries agreed to enhance international cooperation against corruption. 会议通过了《执法合作北京共识》,强调对腐败采取零容忍政策。 The meeting resulted in the adoption of the Beijing Consensus on Law Enforcement Cooperation, emphasizing a zero-tolerance policy toward corruption. 关键举措包括改进信息共享、法律援助和保护举报人。 Key initiatives include improved information sharing, legal assistance, and protection for whistle-blowers. 自2021年启动以来,该网络已发展到包括120多个国家。 The network has grown since its 2021 launch to encompass over 120 countries.