中国官员王晓红和国际刑警组织主席会晤,以加强全球执法合作。 Chinese official Wang Xiaohong and Interpol president met to enhance global law enforcement cooperation.
中国官员王小红和国际刑警组织主席艾哈迈德·纳赛尔·赖西在法国里昂会晤,讨论加强执法合作。 Chinese official Wang Xiaohong and Interpol President Ahmed Nasser Al-Raisi met in Lyon, France, to discuss boosting law enforcement cooperation. 他们同意在电信欺诈、跨界赌博、反恐怖主义和遣返逃犯等问题上加强合作。 They agreed to enhance collaboration on issues like telecom fraud, cross-border gambling, counter-terrorism, and fugitive repatriation. Wang支持刑警组织的全球安全努力,双方签署了合作文件,以深化实际的执法培训和能力建设。 Wang supported Interpol's global security efforts, and both parties signed cooperation papers to deepen practical law enforcement training and capacity building.