一名消防员受伤, 福克斯交叉工厂大楼的火灾在一个小时内得到控制. 1 firefighter injured, Fox Crossing manufacturing building fire controlled in an hour.
星期五清晨,在威斯康辛州福克斯十字路口一家大型制造业大楼发生火灾,造成一名消防员受伤。 A fire at a large manufacturing building in Fox Crossing, Wisconsin, early Friday morning resulted in one firefighter injury. 福克斯交叉消防局于凌晨2时18分对浓烟和烈火作出反应,呼吁其他部门提供援助。 The Fox Crossing Fire Department responded around 2:18 a.m. to heavy smoke and an active blaze, calling in assistance from other departments. 火力控制在1小时之内,受伤的消防员短暂住院,后来被释放。 The fire was controlled within an hour, and the injured firefighter was hospitalized briefly and later released. 原因正在调查之中,没有损失估计数。 The cause is under investigation, with no damage estimates available.