侦探警长建议使用 3 英镑的 UV 笔标记贵重物品,以便在入室盗窃中更容易恢复,因为英国每两分钟就会发生一次。 Detective Sergeant advises using a £3 UV pen to mark valuables for easier recovery in burglaries, as UK experiences one every two minutes.
警官马克·卡纳纳在BBC早晨直播节目中建议使用3英的紫外线笔用邮编和房子号码标记贵重物品, Detective Sergeant Marc Cananur, speaking on BBC Morning Live, advises using a £3 UV pen to mark valuables with a postcode and house number to aid in their recovery if stolen. 在联合王国每两分钟发生一次入室盗窃,他强调财产保护的重要性。 With a burglary occurring every two minutes in the UK, he emphasizes the importance of property protection. 卡纳努尔还建议记录被盗物品,通知邻居,并在闯入后立即与警察、保险和银行联系。 Cananur also recommends documenting stolen items, notifying neighbors, and promptly contacting police, insurance, and banks after a break-in.