自7月12日以来,骑自行车的20至40名青少年在LA 7-Eleven商店犯下14起暴徒抢劫案。 20-40 teens on bicycles commit 14 flash mob robberies at LA 7-Eleven stores since July 12.
自2024年7月12日以来, 一群20到40名骑自行车的青少年在洛杉矶的7-11商店至少进行了14起闪电抢劫, Since July 12, 2024, a group of 20 to 40 teens on bicycles has executed at least 14 flash mob robberies at 7-Eleven stores across Los Angeles, mainly on Friday evenings. 洛杉矶警察局(LAPD)报告说,嫌犯偷盗商品和破坏财产,同时抢夺大量商店办事员。 The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) reports that the suspects steal merchandise and damage property while overwhelming store clerks. 为此,洛杉矶警察局正在增加巡逻,并寻求公共援助,以查明参与人员。 In response, the LAPD is increasing patrols and seeking public assistance to identify those involved.