三名青少年抢劫了埃尔帕索的K圈,偷了啤酒,用枪威胁工作人员。 Three teens robbed a Circle K in El Paso, stole beer, and threatened staff with a gun.
2月1日凌晨4时53分, 三名青少年(两名女性和一名男性)抢劫了埃尔帕索下河谷地区的一家Circle K商店。 Three teenagers, two females and one male, robbed a Circle K store in El Paso's Lower Valley area at 4:53 a.m. on February 1. 疑犯据信已是十几岁晚期,他们偷了啤酒,用枪威胁工作人员,然后徒步向东逃跑。 The suspects, believed to be in their late teens, stole beer and threatened staff with a gun before fleeing east on foot. 埃尔帕索警方和犯罪制止者寻求公众帮助,以查明嫌疑人,提供匿名情报并可能获得现金奖励。 El Paso Police and Crime Stoppers seek public help to identify the suspects, with tips remaining anonymous and potentially earning a cash reward.