缅因州的湖泊,包括Salmon湖,由于变暖速度加快,冰季较短,危及冬季活动和湖泊健康。 Maine's lakes, including Salmon Lake, are seeing shorter ice seasons due to faster warming, threatening winter activities and lake health.
由于气候变化,缅因州湖泊的冰季较短,萨蒙湖的冰季为34年中最短,仅67天。 Maine's lakes are experiencing shorter ice seasons due to climate change, with Salmon Lake seeing its shortest ice season in 34 years at just 67 days. 整个湖泊州的暖化速度是空气的两倍,自1980年代以来每10年气温为1.4华氏度,导致更早的冰冷日期和较晚的冰冷日期。 Lakes statewide are warming twice as fast as the air, by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit per decade since the 1980s, leading to earlier ice-out dates and later ice-in dates. 这种趋势威胁冬季的娱乐活动,如冰渔业,并通过降低氧气水平和促进藻类生长影响湖泊健康。 This trend threatens winter recreation like ice fishing and affects lake health by reducing oxygen levels and promoting algae growth. 到2050年,缅因州的气温可能上升2至4摄氏度,从而进一步改变冬季风景。 By 2050, Maine’s temperature could rise by 2 to 4 degrees Fahrenheit, further altering the winter landscape.