联邦预报员预计今年大湖大部分地区的冰盖将低于平均水平。 Federal forecasters expect below-average ice cover on most of the Great Lakes this year.
联邦预报员预测今年大湖区的冰盖将低于平均水平。 Federal forecasters predict below-average ice cover on the Great Lakes this year. 密歇根湖、高级湖、休伦湖和伊利湖的冰量预计略低于正常,而安大略湖的冰盖预计将接近正常。 Lakes Michigan, Superior, Huron, and Erie are expected to have slightly less ice than normal, while Lake Ontario's ice cover is projected to be near normal. 冰层的形成才刚刚开始 在湖泊的一些地区。 Ice formation has just started in some areas of the lakes.