艾伯塔省在2026年开设了青少年戒毒中心,在令人关切的情况下扩大治疗能力。 Alberta opens youth addiction recovery center in 2026, expanding treatment capacity amid concerns.
阿尔伯塔省计划在2026年在埃德蒙顿年轻犯罪者中心的翻新部分开设一个耗资2300万美元,拥有105个床位的青少年成康复中心. Alberta plans to open a $23-million, 105-bed youth addiction recovery center within a renovated section of the Edmonton Young Offender Centre in 2026. 该设施的目标是每年治疗多达300名青年,使该省目前的70张床位能力几乎翻了一番。 The facility aims to treat up to 300 youth annually, nearly doubling the province's current capacity of 70 beds. 尽管人们担心该设施位于惩教中心附近, 但政府保证该设施将完全分开, 重点是为吸毒成瘾的青少年提供必要的治疗空间。 Despite concerns about the facility's location near a correctional center, the government assures it will be entirely separate and focused on providing necessary treatment spaces for youth struggling with addiction.