载有20,000吨硝酸铵的鲁比号货轮出于安全考虑拒绝在联合王国多个港口入境。 Maltese-flagged cargo ship Ruby carrying 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate denied entry at multiple UK ports due to safety concerns.
悬挂马耳他国旗的货船Ruby运载20 000吨硝酸铵化肥,停泊在联合王国肯特海岸,因为出于安全考虑在多个港口被拒绝入境。 The Maltese-flagged cargo ship Ruby, carrying 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, is anchored off the Kent coast, UK, after being denied entry at multiple ports due to safety concerns. 该船受损,运载的硝酸铵量是2020年贝鲁特爆炸所涉硝酸铵量的七倍,正在等待进入多佛海峡的许可。 The vessel, damaged and carrying seven times the amount of ammonium nitrate involved in the 2020 Beirut explosion, is awaiting permission to enter the Strait of Dover. 专家们担心其状况和潜在的环境风险。 Experts are worried about its condition and potential environmental risks.