日本驱逐舰萨扎纳米航行台湾海峡,维护航行自由,向中国发出信号。 Japanese destroyer Sazanami navigates Taiwan Strait, asserting freedom of navigation and signaling to China.
日本驱逐舰Sazanami于星期三首次通过台湾海峡,表明日本主张航行自由。 A Japanese destroyer, Sazanami, made its inaugural passage through the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday, signaling Japan's assertion of freedom of navigation. 这一举动得到当地媒体的证实,旨在向中国发出信息,中国声称对该地区拥有主权。 This move, confirmed by local media, aims to send a message to China, which claims sovereignty over the area. 驱逐舰在途中与来自澳大利亚和新西兰的海军舰艇协调。 The destroyer coordinated with naval ships from Australia and New Zealand during the journey. 这一行动是继美国和欧洲部队进行类似航行之后采取的,加剧了与北京的紧张关系。 This action follows similar voyages by US and European forces, increasing tensions with Beijing.