中国核动力攻击潜艇在武汉附近的码头事故中沉没。 China's nuclear-powered attack submarine sank in a pier-side accident near Wuhan.
中国最新的核动力攻击潜艇在春天末在武汉附近的码头事故中沉没,标志着中国军事现代化的倒退。 China's latest nuclear-powered attack submarine sank in a pier-side accident near Wuhan in late spring, marking a setback for its military modernization. 虽然未经中国当局证实,但美国官员报告了这一事件。 Although unconfirmed by Chinese authorities, U.S. officials report on the incident. 由中国国家造船公司建造的潜艇可能需要数月才能修复。 The submarine, built by China State Shipbuilding Corp., may take months to repair. 它的沉没引起了对中国国防工业监督的担忧,而其核燃料状况仍然不明。 Its sinking raises concerns about oversight in China's defense industry, while the status of its nuclear fuel remains unknown.