台湾计划到2038年投资9B美元, 用于新建潜艇舰队, 以遏制中国的紧张局势。 Taiwan plans $9B investment in a new submarine fleet by 2038 to deter China amid tensions.
台湾计划在2025年至2038年期间投资近90亿美元建造新的潜艇舰队,旨在制造七艘船只,以吓阻中国。 Taiwan plans to invest nearly $9 billion in building a new submarine fleet, aiming to manufacture seven vessels between 2025 and 2038 to deter China. 第一艘国内建造的潜艇,即Narwhal潜艇,尚未完成海上试验,并面临对费用和时限的关切。 The first domestically-built submarine, the Narwhal, has not yet completed sea trials and faces concerns over cost and timeline. 这项决定是在与主张对台湾拥有主权的中国的紧张局势加剧的情况下作出的。 The decision comes amid increasing tensions with China, which claims sovereignty over Taiwan.