在挪威被拘留的50名德国-喀麦隆男子,涉嫌在喀麦隆冲突中犯下危害人类罪。 50s German-Cameroonian man detained in Norway, suspected of crimes against humanity in Cameroon conflict.
挪威当局拘留了一名50多岁的德国-喀麦隆男子,涉嫌参与与喀麦隆持续冲突有关的危害人类罪。 Norwegian authorities have detained a German-Cameroonian man in his 50s, suspected of involvement in crimes against humanity related to the ongoing conflict in Cameroon. 这标志着挪威首次采取这种性质的法律诉讼。 This marks Norway's first legal action of this nature. 国家刑事调查局声称,他在武装冲突中发挥了重要作用,自2016年以来导致6 000多人死亡,约760 000人流离失所。 The National Criminal Investigation Service (KRIPOS) claims he played a significant role in the armed conflict, which has resulted in over 6,000 deaths and displaced around 760,000 people since 2016. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.