尼日利亚-芬兰活动家Simon Ekpa因被指控的恐怖主义在芬兰面临2025年5月的审判。 Nigerian-Finnish activist Simon Ekpa faces May 2025 trial in Finland for alleged terrorism.
西蒙·埃克帕(Simon Ekpa)是尼日利亚-芬兰亲Biafran活动分子,将于2025年5月在芬兰因涉嫌从事与恐怖主义有关的活动而受审。 Simon Ekpa, a Nigerian-Finnish pro-Biafran activist, is set to face trial in Finland in May 2025 for alleged terrorism-related activities. Ekpa因涉嫌通过社交媒体煽动暴力和资助恐怖主义而被捕,其对象是尼日利亚东南部地区的平民和政府官员。 Ekpa was arrested on suspicion of inciting violence and financing terrorism through social media, targeting civilians and government officials in Nigeria's South-East region. 芬兰当局正在与国际伙伴合作调查此案,尼日利亚政府已寻求将Ekpa引渡。 Finnish authorities are investigating the case in collaboration with international partners, and the Nigerian government has sought Ekpa's extradition.