芬兰当局冻结了资产,以恐怖主义罪名逮捕了尼日利亚煽动者西蒙·埃克帕。 Finnish authorities have frozen assets and arrested Nigerian agitator Simon Ekpa on terrorism charges.
芬兰当局冻结了被指控犯有恐怖主义罪的尼日利亚煽动者西蒙·埃克帕及其关联公司的资产。 Finnish authorities have frozen the assets of Simon Ekpa, a Nigerian agitator accused of terrorism, and those of his associated companies. Ekpa在芬兰被捕,关押在世界上最严厉的监狱之一Kylmäkoski,罪名是通过社交媒体在尼日利亚煽动暴力。 Ekpa, arrested in Finland, is held in Kylmäkoski, one of the world's toughest prisons, on charges of inciting violence in Nigeria via social media. 芬兰和尼日利亚当局正在调查他的活动,定于2025年5月对他进行审判。 Finnish and Nigerian authorities are investigating his activities, and his trial is scheduled for May 2025.