德国当局指控Dieter S. 犯有恐怖罪行,指控他策划袭击援助俄罗斯。 German authorities charged Dieter S. with terror offenses for allegedly planning attacks to aid Russia.
德国当局指控40岁的德国-俄罗斯人迪特尔·S.犯有恐怖罪行,被控策划袭击,破坏对乌克兰的支持,以美国军事基地等地点为攻击目标。 German authorities have charged Dieter S., a 40-year-old German-Russian, with terror offenses for allegedly planning attacks to undermine support for Ukraine, targeting sites like US military bases. 他于2024年4月被捕,被指控与俄罗斯情报联络人就德国的破坏行动进行沟通。 Arrested in April 2024, he is accused of communicating with a Russian intelligence contact about sabotage operations in Germany. 检察官还在调查他可能参与与外国恐怖主义组织有联系的情报活动。 Prosecutors are also investigating his potential involvement in intelligence activities tied to a foreign terrorist organization.