Excon Michael McDonagh, 先前有83人被定罪,因盗窃一名老年妇女的2欧元手提包,被判处15个月徒刑。 Ex-con Michael McDonagh, with 83 prior convictions, sentenced to 15 months for stealing a €2 handbag from an elderly woman.
Michael McDonagh, 58岁,有83起前科,因2020年在都柏林Applegreen服务站外偷窃一名78岁妇女2欧元手提袋,被判处15个月监禁。 Michael McDonagh, 58, with a history of 83 prior convictions, was sentenced to 15 months in prison for stealing a €2 handbag from a 78-year-old woman outside an Applegreen service station in Dublin in 2020. McDonagh认罪,表示悔恨。 McDonagh pleaded guilty and showed remorse. 法官考虑了他长期的犯罪记录和无家可归问题,但注意到自2023年进入寄宿治疗方案以来他的改善。 The judge considered his long criminal record and homelessness but noted his improvement since entering a residential treatment program in 2023.