爱尔兰男子被控在抢劫期间用注射器威胁药店工人,面临巡回法庭。 Irish man accused of threatening pharmacy workers with syringe during robbery, faces Circuit Court.
来自Galway的36岁父亲John Paul Ward被控在都柏林药店用注射器威胁工人,同时声称在抢劫中患有艾滋病。 John Paul Ward, a 36-year-old father from Galway, was accused of threatening workers at a Dublin pharmacy with a syringe while claiming to have AIDS during a robbery. 他还被指控持有一辆偷来的自行车。 He was also charged with possessing a stolen bicycle. 沃德以350欧元的保释金获释,必须留在图阿姆,在当地警察局签字,除出庭外避免都柏林。 Ward was released on €350 bail and must stay in Tuam, sign in at the local police station, and avoid Dublin except for court appearances. 案件可以提交巡回法院判刑。 The case may proceed to the Circuit Court for sentencing.