Michael McBride爵士在联合王国Covid-19调查中作证,指出对临床脆弱个人的指导不足,少数民族健康数据不足。 Sir Michael McBride testified at the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, citing inadequate guidance for clinically vulnerable individuals and insufficient ethnic minority health data.
北爱尔兰首席医官Michael McBride爵士在英国Covid-19调查中作证说,最初为临床脆弱者提供的保护指南本可以更加细致。 Sir Michael McBride, Northern Ireland's Chief Medical Officer, testified at the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, stating that initial shielding guidance for clinically vulnerable individuals could have been more nuanced. 他指出,由于这一流行病的迅速发展,传播工作面临挑战,使向保护者提供保障的工作复杂化。 He noted communication challenges due to the pandemic's rapid pace, which complicated assurances for those shielding. McBride还强调,缺乏少数民族健康数据,促使各部门努力改进对未来流行病的监测。 McBride also highlighted the lack of ethnic minority health data, prompting a cross-departmental effort to improve monitoring for future pandemics.