爱尔兰全科医生 Neville Wilson 博士因大流行期间的反疫苗言论和行动而面临适合执业的调查。 Irish GP Dr. Neville Wilson faces a fitness-to-practice inquiry over anti-vax comments and actions during the pandemic.
爱尔兰基尔代尔的一位全科医生Neville Wilson博士因在疫情期间在诊所发表反疫苗言论和展示相关海报而面临适应性调查. Dr. Neville Wilson, a GP in Kildare, Ireland, faces a fitness-to-practice inquiry over allegations of making anti-vaccine comments and displaying related posters in his clinic during the pandemic. 他被指控向病人暗示COVID-19接种疫苗是危险的,并且没有强制戴面具。 He is accused of suggesting to patients that COVID-19 vaccination was dangerous and of failing to enforce mask-wearing. 威尔逊否认了职业不当行为的指控 并声称病人误解了他的观点 声称他是"支持科学" Wilson denies the charges of professional misconduct and claims the patients misunderstood his views, asserting he is "pro-science."