卫生专员警告不把NHS视为"国家宗教", 呼吁文化改革, 由于投诉增加了50%. Health Ombudsman warns against treating NHS as a "national religion", calls for cultural overhaul amid 50% rise in complaints.
健康监察员Rebecca Hilsenrath警告不要将国民保健制度视为“民族宗教”,因为它可能使保健服务免受必要的批评。 Health Ombudsman Rebecca Hilsenrath warns against treating the NHS as a "national religion", as it may insulate the service from necessary criticism. 她呼吁进行文化改革,敦促领导人听取失败者的意见。 She calls for a cultural overhaul and urges leaders to listen to those they've failed. 此后,自该流行病开始以来,对国民保健制度的投诉增加了50%。 This follows a 50% rise in complaints about the NHS since the pandemic began. 该调查由Darzi教授领导,由卫生部长Wes Streeting下令,定于9月公布。 The investigation, led by Prof Lord Darzi and ordered by Health Secretary Wes Streeting, is set to be published in September.