50名密歇根州哈德森维尔公立学校的公共汽车司机在热气球乘坐期间为病情不治的同事迈克·霍克斯特拉 (Mike Hoekstra) 用他们的公共汽车拼写"我们爱你". 50 Hudsonville Public Schools bus drivers in Michigan spell "We love you" with their buses for terminally ill colleague Mike Hoekstra during his hot-air balloon ride.
密歇根州哈德逊维尔公立学校的公交车司机为他们身患绝症的同事 Mike Hoekstra 组织了一场衷心的悼念活动,他被诊断出患有结肠癌第四期。 Hudsonville Public Schools bus drivers in Michigan organized a heartfelt tribute for their terminally ill colleague, Mike Hoekstra, diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. 当Hoekstra乘热气球去实现个人愿望时, 约有50名司机和家人聚集一堂, 用从空中可见的巴士拼写“我们爱你”。 As Hoekstra took a hot-air balloon ride to fulfill a personal wish, around 50 drivers and their families gathered to spell "We love you" with their buses, visible from the air. 这一情感姿态深深地触动了Hoekstra,Hoekstra表达了感激之情并仍然充满希望,他专注于与家人的及时接触。 The emotional gesture deeply touched Hoekstra, who expressed gratitude and remains hopeful, focusing on time with his family.