情人节那天,维加斯金骑士队和华盛顿首都队曲棍球队探访了患病的儿童和癌症患者,传递信息并参与活动,作为曲棍球对抗癌症计划的一部分。 On Valentine's Day, Vegas Golden Knights and Washington Capitals hockey teams visited sick children and cancer patients, delivering notes and engaging in activities, as part of their Hockey Fights Cancer initiative.
情人节那天,维加斯金骑士队和华盛顿首都队曲棍球队专门拜访了患病的儿童和癌症患者。 On Valentine's Day, the Vegas Golden Knights and Washington Capitals hockey teams made special visits to sick children and cancer patients. 金骑士队的吉祥物和其他团队角色向内华达州综合癌症中心的癌症患者递送手写便条和“战斗卡”。 The Golden Knights' mascot and other team characters delivered handwritten notes and "Battle Cards" to cancer patients at Comprehensive Cancer Centers in Nevada. 这项名为“曲棍球对抗癌症”的倡议已为癌症研究筹集了超过 2000 万美元。 This initiative, Hockey Fights Cancer, has raised over $20 million for cancer research. 在华盛顿,首都队球员查理·林格伦和拉斯穆斯·桑丁探访了乔治城大学医疗星医院患有儿科疾病的儿童及其家人,分享情人节贺卡并与患者共度时光。 In Washington, Capitals players Charlie Lindgren and Rasmus Sandin visited children with pediatric illnesses and their families at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, sharing Valentine's Day cards and spending time with patients.