废水SCAN报告显示,美国废水中的EV-D68含量在上升,表明病例可能增加。 WastewaterSCAN report indicates rising EV-D68 levels in US wastewater, suggesting potential increase in cases.
废水科学中心的一份报告指出,美国废水中的肠道病毒D68(EV-D68)含量在上升,表明病例可能增加。 A report from WastewaterSCAN reveals rising levels of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) in U.S. wastewater, suggesting a potential increase in cases. 这种呼吸道病毒可能导致严重的症状,包括急性松动性脊髓炎(AFM),导致肌肉虚弱和瘫痪,特别是在儿童中。 This respiratory virus can lead to severe symptoms, including acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), which causes muscle weakness and paralysis, particularly in children. 卫生官员对病毒死灰复燃感到担忧, 强调透过卫生预防及监测儿童症状, While most cases are mild, health officials are concerned about the virus’s resurgence, emphasizing prevention through hygiene and monitoring symptoms in children.