温哥华居民Todd Clarke为乘坐人行道的商业骑自行车者提出许可证制度申请。 Vancouver resident Todd Clarke initiates petition for licensing system for commercial cyclists riding on sidewalks.
温哥华居民Todd Clarke已提出申请, 要求为乘坐人行道的商业骑自行车者建立许可证制度, Vancouver resident Todd Clarke has initiated a petition for a licensing system for commercial cyclists who ride on sidewalks, following three collisions with delivery workers this year. 他认为,由于缺乏可识别的信息,因此难以报告不安全的行为。 He argues that the lack of identifiable information makes it hard to report unsafe behavior. 目前,只有机动轮椅不受人行道骑行规则的限制,商业骑自行车者必须获得自行车信使牌照,但执法工作仍具有挑战性。 Currently, only motorized wheelchairs are exempt from sidewalk riding rules, and while commercial cyclists must obtain a bike courier license, enforcement remains challenging.